An excerpt from a discussion in the Relationship Renaissance Community Forum
I have recently been reflecting on my appeal to the lifestyle that I am growing into and constantly pursuing. With it, I’m reflecting on why it’s important to me and what it brings in a healthy relationship.
One of the things that has always appealed to me about the FLR and D/s lifestyle is that it allows me to open up my mind and soul to someone I trust. Almost like They’re giving me permission to open up and accept myself, so that I can grow. I need that permission and a Dominant can help to make it feel safe. The vulnerability that I am presenting is something very special to me. It takes time for me to share it openly and it’s something that I guard closely. I find a lot of solace in the world that it allows me to explore.
While much of the time the vulnerability is presented first on my part, there are also times where I need to be challenged to present more vulnerability beyond my initial comfort zone. Does this resonate with any of the other guys in this space?
Article submission by: Docile, resident goodboy
Response from SubHub, resident goodboy-in-training
As you put it, “opening up my mind and soul to someone”, even someone I trust, is something that has always been a challenge for me. It is a work in progress. I feel that it is a stereotypical “man” thing in our society, this will come as no surprise to anyone here, that men should never show vulnerability, or weakness, or fear, or concern, or stress.
I spend my time outside of the house being that man; it is such a relief to be able to drop that suit of armor at the front door and submit to her when I return. Thanks for the post.