The Male Struggle With Vulnerability
The Male Struggle With Vulnerability

An excerpt from a discussion in the Relationship Renaissance Community Forum
Right, wrong, or indifferent, I think and feel that many (if not all) men struggle with being vulnerable. For me, submission is the path for men to give themselves permission to be vulnerable, or more importantly, for the Women in our lives to give us permission/demand that we be vulnerable by creating a loving, trusting, and safe environment in which to do so.
It’s almost as if men are trauma survivors (I know some are) who go into fight or flight mode when asked to discuss our feelings. Yet, we’ll expect our Women/Dommes to engage in the most vulnerable and intimate of acts without any consideration of Her feelings. In my honest opinion, the appeal of an FLR is the power exchange with the men yielding to the Feminine Power and Authority in the relationship/marriage in ALL areas…submitting in words, thoughts, deeds and feelings.
THAT being said, the struggle is REAL. Egos must be vanquished, layers stripped away, hearts and minds pried open…and this work takes time, effort and patience by submissives and Dommes to achieve desired growth, deepen intimacy, confidence and connection together…synergistically, and symbiotically. Would Y/you agree?
Article submission by: Mark K, resident goodboy-in-training
Response from Kittyboy, resident goodboy-in-training
Mark K, your words about the ego and the struggle hit so close to home. It’s difficult to admit failures and most people believe that they are doing things for the right reason. It’s painful to admit that we were being selfish at times. For me, an FLR isn’t necessarily as much about a power exchange as much as it is about an offering.
I have no authority or power over my Wife. So, there’s nothing to exchange. However, my submission is a gift. It is my way of loving Her and of presenting that love before Her. If it is less than authentic, as it was in the past, She may reject it. This was painful for me to admit…