In response to S01E02 of The Relationship Renaissance Podcast (Ladies, Develop the Relationship of Your Dreams).
In that show, Mistress Alisa pointed out, in some criticism of those who would reflect sentimentally on marriages of the past and their longevity, that many of those marriages were not sustained by mutual choice. Many of those women were uneducated, unskilled and completely dependent on their husband for the roof over their head, the food on their plates, and the care of their children. They were prisoners in their marriage and had no choice to leave no matter how despicably their husbands behaved.
It makes me sad to imagine being a woman of that time and making a single choice at such a young age that could turn the course of my life in such a negative direction, with little to no ability to reverse course. It’s hard to believe that I am this many years old and am moved by the perspective on this topic, on how different it would have been to be a married woman only 50 or 100 years ago in our “civilized” society, something I should have processed at least once many years ago.
As much as I support the women in my life, and all women, in their pursuit of equality, independence, autonomy, and the recognition and pursuit of their desires, it is really a slap in the face that I have any kind of awakening by the exposure to a perspective that should be obvious to me by now. While I am surprised, I am not ashamed. I am proud of the fact that throughout my life I have allowed my eyes and my mind to be opened to systemic injustices to others that society tried to teach me to ignore.
Article submission by: SubHub, resident goodboy
Mistress Alisa’s Commentary
I titled this article The Knight Has Arrived because a man essentially becomes a knight in shining armor when he takes the time to really see a woman’s heart. What SubHub has done in this brief post is more meaningful than I have the ability to capture in words. This type of acknowledgement from men will help women to heal and then to serve as healers to others in their lives. We need more of this, men. More acknowledgement of what women go through and have gone through.
And Ladies, as more men step up and help us to heal, we need to be appreciative. We need to openly express to them how much their efforts mean to us.
Ladies and men, let’s keep moving forward. Let’s have more of this. ❤️