The greatest lesson I have learned from Mistress Alisa over the years has been the importance of consistency in my own submission and expressing my love for my Mistress. It has helped me to form a foundation that an FLR could be built on.
In the past, when I was inconsistent in my expression of love, it sent the message to my Mistress that I was not truly connected to Her. I was only willing to open my heart when it best served me. Often it was selfish and, I suspect, felt transactional in O/our relationship. Adding in more consistency in my expression of love helped to add feelings of security, happiness, connection, belonging and well-being that W/we both needed more of. It also helped to re-affirm the commitment that I made as a husband and submissive to Her. Bringing all of those things together helps to create a sense of calm in O/our lives. It creates a “safe-haven” that we can fall back to during difficult times.
This support also helps to fight off things like depression, self-doubt and loneliness that we can all experience. With this consistent love being a part of O/our relationship, we can feel supported in all that we do in our lives. When I am inconsistent in my love to my Mistress, it leaves Her feeling isolated in the things that She does. As if I’m only supportive when I can get something in return.
I always need to make sure that I am energizing O/our relationship with the love that I bring.
Article submission by: Docile, resident goodboy
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I enjoy having a beautiful home to return to every day. As Docile notes and for me as well, practicing consistency with my Wife has been key. My relationship has become calmer, more comfortable, and a nice emotional place to retire to when, often times, the outside world seems a bit overwhelming. Submission is not a bad thing, it doesn’t make one weak. To the contrary, it strengthens you. It opens up your heart and mind and changes the way you see other people and the way they see you.