The following is an entry submitted by a male member of our online community. To be a part of such insightful conversations, join today. If you are serious about learning more about the Female-Led Relationship Lifestyle (FLR), then our closed community will be the best place for you to start!
On sort of a micro level Mistress Alisa has taught me to, as Wynonna noted in one of her popular songs, “just shut up and listen”. She’s been so patient with me. over the years. Trying to work her magic, I used to endlessly interrupt her, ask questions, deliver humorous anecdotes and try to participate in some ways because I kind of thought I was supposed to.
Actually, to use a word She likes, I was “clueless” about submission. I’m nowhere near perfect with this, however, I’m better with it now in many ways. I saw and felt my Mistress learning about me and seeing me more clearly, I was also learning more about Her, Her process, and submission.
We were developing Trust and patience for each other. I used this understanding and applied it to the relationship I have with my Wife. This has taken a long while, but with submission always in mind and thinking about my partner’s needs and desires first, She has begun to unravel some of the emotional knots, so to speak, that were keeping us closed off to each other in some ways.
Women just process differently than men. With patience, consistency, love, empathy and compassion Eventually, we’ll know more about what they’re thinking because they’ll show us. Perhaps, not exactly in the ways we expected but in more meaningful ways.
Remember, that expectations are often a good prescription for disappointment.
Article contributed by: Randy X, resident goodboy